The RoboCopy Integration Pack brings the robocopy’s functionality into orchestrator’s UI.
Yes, you could just run the robocopy with the run command activity and deal with all the switches – it can be done, but hey ! the costumers always want to see more orcherstrator functionality and less straight uses of existed windows tools.
I’m sure you will find it very useful.
So.. how to work with the Activity:
- Drag the “Orchestrated RoboCopy” and select from the list box the relevant flags\switches…
- The “source folder” and “Destination Folder” are Folder select dialogs, but you can fill in text too.
- the Files field is *.* by default, but can be changed, for example like this: *.txt *.jpg (space separated)
Fields that will be empty won’t be used as an option
After the Activity finishes it saves the output into the destination folder within file called log.txt
Download & more details could be found within the integration pack page on CodePlex
This is a very good idea, but needs the ability to specify credentials (such as a Security tab) so you dont have to Invoke it form a Parent.
Hey Adam,
You can’t have a security tab with integration packs made with OIT sadly.
I hope I’ll have time soon to provide it by SDK and not from OIT.
Thanks for the comments.